[Sanctions-Discuss] Sanctions and measures against Russia

Bill Woodcock woody at pch.net
Thu Mar 24 00:37:46 PDT 2022

> On Mar 23, 2022, at 10:15 AM, Niels ten Oever <mail at nielstenoever.net> wrote:
> In light of the list of sanctions and measures against Russia [0] by a wide range of countries and actors, I think it would be opportune what to consider the existing sanctions and see what would be in scope for this project.
> [0] https://wiki.sanctions.net/index.php/Policy_Group

I guess we need to catalog, as input, what entities have thus far been sanctioned.  Then we can discuss whether Internet sanctions are appropriate.

I started to do that in email, and then realized that it was going to get out of hand quickly, so then switched to building a table here:


…and then, typically, I got hung up on making tick-marks work.  Yes, I know how to do it, just grinding through.  I’ll put more work into the table this morning.

We also need to try to catalog and discuss the various edge cases and difficult problems that we think need discussion.  There’s a summary of the “human shield” problem here:


We should probably also discuss the degree to which we’re going to try to support differing views… if US networks are required to sanction North Korean networks, but South African networks are not, do we try to make a decision which will leave US networks noncompliant or South African ones over-blocking, or do we tag each separately, so they can be implemented differently in different places?  Long-term, we certainly have the technical capacity to make that happen, with no additional work for the subscribing networks beyond indicating what countries’ laws they need to comply with


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